It has come to our attention that brokers are inadvertently telling homeowners that they are purchasing a home in the Orchards when they are not. Homes in the Orchards have a zipcode of 21210 and an address as follows:
Bellemore Road - 1 through 9, 100 through 121
Castlewood Road - 102 - 118
Greenleaf Road - 5700 - 5711
Kenmore Road - 5700 - 5807
North Charles Street - 5702, 5704, 5708, 5804, 5806, 5808
Stony Run Drive - 5701 - 5806
West Lake Avenue - 2 - 15, 103 - 121
West Melrose Avenue - 2 - 6, 104, 106, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118