The Orchards Association , Inc.

Baltimore, MD 21210 


Architectural Committee

Why is there an architectural committee? Residents of the Orchards and their properties are governed by covenants. They were created in 1936, after Douglas Gordon sold the land that became the Orchards. Generally, the covenants are designed to maintain certain community standards for architecture and appearance and to promote the beauty and desirability of the neighborhood. The association’s board of directors created the architectural committee to help in those efforts.

The committee will only respond to requests from homeowners and not buyers that are considering the purchase of the home.

Where can we find the covenants? Every Orchards homeowner should receive a copy of the covenants from their real estate agent when they buy a home; they are in the “Home Buyer and Realtor” section of the homeowners’ website, which does not require a log in.

The covenants also are recorded in the Land Records of Baltimore City and are binding on Orchards residents. If you need a copy, please contact a committee member or log into the private access area of this site.

What requires the committee’s approval? It’s impossible to fairly summarize the covenants in a few sentences. As a rule of thumb, however, they grant the association broad discretion over any modifications or additions to the exterior of the property. Common modifications or additions requiring approval include paint colors, fences, roof and gutter replacements, additions, sheds, playhouses, and swing sets.

The covenants also provide numerous setback and “free space” restrictions that govern how close to property lines structures may be. Seek approval for any project that might affect the exterior appearance of your property BEFORE signing any contracts or performing any work.

What is the approval process? Before you submit an application, look around the neighborhood to get an idea of what has been approved in the past. The boundaries are as follows: both sides of West Lake Avenue to the north, the west side of North Charles Street on the east, the north side of Melrose Avenue to the south, and both sides of Kenmore Road to the west. Several residents are architects who are familiar with overall aesthetic: please contact us if you’d like to get in touch with them.

Always talk to your neighbors about your plans, the extent of the work, and any possible disruptions. Also check with the city to find out whether your plans need a permit as the city’s process can take time. Getting permits and variances is your responsibility.

Then submit an application The Orchards Association - Architectural Review Application updated May 5, 2018.pdf concerning your proposal. If you should have any questions, please contact Plans requiring approval must be submitted in writing, with a sufficient description or sample of colors, materials, and specifications. A site inspection by a committee member may be necessary. The length of time for approval varies, but we will acknowledge that we’ve received your submission within seven days.

Any deviation from an approved plan requires a new submission to and approval from the committee before any work begins. A written record of projects, approved or rejected, is maintained by the committee.

What if the committee rejects my request? You can appeal the decision to the board. The board’s decision, however, is final.

Does the committee handle complaints or issues about the appearance of a property? No, those should be sent directly to the board.

The Orchards Association, Inc.
P. O. Box 26262
Baltimore, MD 21210
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